Friday, December 03, 2004


OK - not a bad day at work . Sold a car , bought a car for the company and then bought a car for my self. The asshole that did not buy the car from me yesterday passed up a delicious car. Great miles , awsome price. Now its mine. An Avalon. I love it wife enjoys it and my son called the seats fluffy. That made me laugh. Last night he freaked me out as I was leaving my hobbit hole he was looking out of the back door looking for Momma. I held him and told him that momma was sleeping. He passed out in my arms. Lil guy must have been sleep walking or close to it. I put him in bed and not another word was said.
Hey found this on a fellow bloggers site. I had fun making my self (thinner of course) and taller just for fun . Play with it and tell me what you think? Virtual model You do not need to sign in to play. Im posting my Virtual pic a lil thinner and a lil more buff - Not too far off in the future.Virtual Me

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