Tuesday, December 21, 2004


AS per DragonGirls request ......

Three names you go by:
1. G***
2. Tony
3. First of the fallen

Three screen names you have:
1. Mr Crane
2. Ricardo
3. cuthulhuangel (AIM)

Three things you like about yourself:
1. Im Smart.
2. I can be counted on.
3. I have no problem talking to strangers

Three things you hate/dislike about yourself:
1. Lose my temper too quickly.
2. Can be emotionaly cold.
3. My weight (working on it)

Three parts of your heritage:
1. Mexican
2. Texan
3. Italian (No not really , but grew up in a thick Itialian neighborhood)

Three things that scare you:
1. Losing Control
2. Losing grip on reality
3. Being forgotton

Three of your everyday essentials:
1. Brush and floss
2. Diet Coke (about 3 of em)
3. A touch of Aftershave -

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Glasses.
2. 3 tattoos (angel, devil and Ganesha)
.3. Gold Chain and cross (have worn one since I have been 10)

Three of your favorite bands/artists (at the moment):
1. NIN
2. The Cure
3. Stevie Ray Vaugn

Three of your favorite songs at present:
1. Ran Kan Kan (Tito puente)
2.Dear God (XTC)
3. Shame (stabbing westward)

Three new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
1. Killing a Hobo (just checking if your reading!!)
2. Learning the digeridoo
3. Being happy in my skin

.Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):
1. Trust
2. Respect
3. trust

Two truths and a lie:
1. Ive danced on Evis's grave
2. I like budweizer
3. I'm a good cook.

Three physical things about the opposite sex (or same) that appeal to you:
1. A great smile.
2. Her eyes.
3. Hips

Three things you just can’t do:
1. Forgive
2. Give up meat
3. Be fake

Three of your favorite hobbies:
1. Target shooting archary
2. Having a great beer or wine
3. Looking at the starts

Three things you want to do really badly right now:
1. Make Tandori Chicken
2. Get another tattoo
3. Sleep uninterupted (wake up when I want to)

Three careers you’re considering:
1. Nursing
2. Sales Manager
3. Chemist

Three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Mexico
2. Camping around the states
3. Africa

Three kids names: for either a boy or girl:
1. Caine
2. Amanda Marie
3. Presley Anne

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Meet my brother
2. Dance at my Sons weddings
3. Kill a Hobo with my bear hands (still reading?)

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