Friday, December 16, 2005


Well this week has been uneventful for the most part except for wed night. My 2 year old dislocated his elbow. I thought it was his shoulder when I got home from work he was crying and could not hold it up. His brother and him were jumping on the sofa and wham... he fell/got knocked off - whatever. We make it in to the ER and the Dr says "it may be a break , but she feels like its most likely a dislocation" She asked if she could pop it back in to place. I agreed.. She grab my sons arm and pulled and twisted. I wanted to hit her because he was screaming. then pop.. 20 min later he was fine. the nurse said he could be sore for a few days but ok for the most part.. A few days later and hes doing ok. He tends to favor the left arm a little more than the right but is doing ok ...

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