Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas...

Wow it looked like a bomb went off in my house today. Picture if you will 2 boys up at what felt like the crack of dawn and opening box after box. Papers and toy cars every where. Breakfast . Then a nap for my self. Then off 2 grandma and grand pa's when it started all over again this time with their cousin....... Its cool seeing Christmas through their eyes. We were leaving and walking past a few houses near my parents we saw a manger secne in lights. My oldest (5) looked and said that Little God was lit up. Made me smile. We then went on a ride in a area that was called Candecane lane (years ago). They used to decorate with rows of old toy soldiers . I havent gone in a few years. I guess people move or stop certain traditions. I have a few traditions that I like to do . One is on Christmas eve we open gift and I took a cue from the Jews (I have a few jewish friends!!) and order Chinese food. #2 TAMALES AT MY PARENTS HOUSE. Now that is a good time..... BTW this was the weirdest Tamale picture that I could find.

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