Monday, January 29, 2007
Just once let me win....
Well its winter and with the winter comes the cold. The last month here in Chicago has been very warm and wet. My sump pump has been running all the time. Its very odd for it to run in December. Usually the ground water freeezes up and there is no need for the pupm to eject water to the out side. Yesterday I was having my folk come over to play with the kids at 2 pm. I head the pump go off in the basement , but it sounded very odd to me. I decided to take a look and I removed the cap. Water was in the basement in the corner where the sump is. I could not see a problem so I took a 2x4 and triped the float switch that runs the sump pump. I was suddenly engulfed in a torrent of water. A column of water 6 foot of ice cold water hit me square in the face. I was soaked and freezing. AT the same time the door bell went off and my parents showed up. My dad and I fixed the pipes but goddamn it was cold water......
Friday, January 26, 2007
Its funny how sometimes it takes a man fucking a donkey to make you realize that you don't know when the last time you laughed was. Let me rephrase that ..... I just watched Clerks 2 tonight and laughed. It was a good thing because I have not laughed in a long time. I get up , have breakfast , go to work , work and listen to people bitch , come come and then veg til 1-2am. Rinse , lather and repeat. I still have to hold my tongue at work so I cant really say whats inside. I definately can't say it to the people that are buying a car from me. My friends are generaly busy so I dont say it then. But tonight I needed a movie that said ...ass to mouth.... Every now and then I slip up at work and just go off on a person. Im usually in the back having a smoke. Arrrg sorry to bitch about work, but work is work and Im there 10+ hours a day.
I dont want to stop laughing. I don;t want to become dour. I don't want to stop making people smile or laugh. Any ways Smile, laugh and dance like no one is watching. good night. .....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Blechhhh thats my head.
Where do I start? I guess I have had these since I was in 8Th grade. I
didn't know what they were then. I thank God I have them only once or twice a year. I start to see fuzzy things on the corners of my eyesight. This increases until I have tunnel vision. I can see every thing but it is only
clear in two spots in front of my eyes. Light hurts , sound hurts and every
thing seems too warm. I think the worse one I has was when I was dreaming i
was having a migraine I woke up in the morning and I was in the middle of
having it. I'm very lucky the medicine that my DR gave me actually works
(that and 3 tylenol to stop the tension headache that follows). I will
usually wind up with a headache that will last for the next 3 days after
the big one goes away. I hope you never get one. Peace I'm going to bed.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Its all the hat......
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I've been lost at work the past few weeks. I dont want to be there, I dont want to be home. I dont know where I want to be --- I know its the SAD thing , seasonal depresion. I need the SUn. I wake up and go to work. The gray skies and cold winds are in my face for the bulk of the day. I leave work at 9 or 10 pm and start again. I know Im bitching when Im glad that I actually have work to go to. But its hard. Mentally I think I want to scream. AAArrrg I think tonight Im going to finish Firefly and chill for a little bit.
dark skies by ~nilufer on deviantART
dark skies by ~nilufer on deviantART
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I have a confession I have to make. I don't know who to root for this coming Sunday. The Chicago Bears or the NOLA Saints. I have always been fans of both. Truth be told I would love having the Bears in the SUperbowl but I would be ok if the Saint were in it as well. So keep it under your hat ........
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
sick boy...again
Damn it I have a chest cold again. The last one took over a month to get out of my system. Cough, wheeze, cough spit. Arrrg its fucking nasty. The kids are magnets for this shit. I am glad that its not the stomach flu thats going around. That has laid up several friends of mine. One almost had to go to the hospital for dehydration. Thats messed up. Any ways I hope good health to you and yours ....... Cough cough.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
too much to dream...
Well I think sleep has caught up to me last night. I don't remember what the dreams were about but there were plenty. As usual most people would consider them a horror movie. I think some time I must sleep with my eyes open. I can see the bed room even though it is dark. I can't move and I can feel the sheets being pulled off of me. The odd parts are that I can hear my self praying the lords prayer. I guess its almost a mental defence for psychic attack. I usually wake up and every thing id normal. The sheets haven't moved at all and the clock has only moved 2 or 3 minutes. I hope your dreams are better than mine.... Peace
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Its been a little bit since Ive written what's inside my head. My head has been scattered all over the place. Filled with thought of work, home, family and friends. I need a hobby something to fill my time and mind. I started to work out again, but my bones are rebelling against me. My shoulders have not been the same since 2 years ago when I was working out. My sister told me that the family has bad shoulders. I guess I was born with bad joints. Funny how I've been reading more and more books in the past few weeks. Thats kept my mind occupied. Dreams are killing me. I don't know what I see or what they are about but I do know that its not good. Gods and monsters in the dark.
I think I just need a few good solid days in the sun. That and perhaps a few days to my self. No kids, wife or even dogs.... I spend most of my nights alone and with out a sound. I like that. When I'm awake I feel like ...I don't know what I feel like.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
sounds and memories.....
I've been laid up for the past 3 days. In bed with a bad back. Arrrrg ! When I was young and dumb I fell down two flights of stairs after a hardcore night of binge drinking. I don't remember that night but it haunts me 19 years later. In the last three days I've had it with TV, movies , the internet and books. Its too much to keep me entertained , too much input. I did have plenty of time to stop and think. Some things were good and some things were bad. I guess the biggest thing that I thought about was how I miss my friends. We all grew up together, whether it was when we were kids or as young adults we grew together. As we grew up we grew apart. Some of us grew in to our rolls as parents and business owners or at least productive workers. That was by choice and some were thrown in to our rolls we have today. I make an effort to contact my friends by phone or a simple text message. It's funny on how many messages you leave before you stop leaving them. The more ways you have to connect to a person the less you actually do talk to a friend. In time you go about your routine and focus on you. You do have to stop and thing on how many things and who influenced you to become you. In order of importance of bits and pieces of who you are (for most people) ; parents, family, teachers and friends. For me friends usually sit higher in that chain. They really let me be me. I wish all of them the best.
Back to my original thought about dead time to fill. I found some cd's a very special friend of mine made for me. She wanted me to listen to what she was listening in her life at that time. She knew that much of the artists that she was in to I had no interest in. For her I stopped my own music and popped in her audio notes. .... today they made me smile and pause and think about her. In those songs I could hear her crying, laughing, yearning and loving. Out of my friends that are too busy for me I miss her the most. So to you in what ever you are doing and where ever you are going.... Here is a little song from me to you. ** I hope it made you smile. You always looked good in a smile.