Monday, January 29, 2007

Just once let me win....

Well its winter and with the winter comes the cold. The last month here in Chicago has been very warm and wet. My sump pump has been running all the time. Its very odd for it to run in December. Usually the ground water freeezes up and there is no need for the pupm to eject water to the out side. Yesterday I was having my folk come over to play with the kids at 2 pm. I head the pump go off in the basement , but it sounded very odd to me. I decided to take a look and I removed the cap. Water was in the basement in the corner where the sump is. I could not see a problem so I took a 2x4 and triped the float switch that runs the sump pump. I was suddenly engulfed in a torrent of water. A column of water 6 foot of ice cold water hit me square in the face. I was soaked and freezing. AT the same time the door bell went off and my parents showed up. My dad and I fixed the pipes but goddamn it was cold water......

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