Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Its been a little bit since Ive written what's inside my head. My head has been scattered all over the place. Filled with thought of work, home, family and friends. I need a hobby something to fill my time and mind. I started to work out again, but my bones are rebelling against me. My shoulders have not been the same since 2 years ago when I was working out. My sister told me that the family has bad shoulders. I guess I was born with bad joints. Funny how I've been reading more and more books in the past few weeks. Thats kept my mind occupied. Dreams are killing me. I don't know what I see or what they are about but I do know that its not good. Gods and monsters in the dark.

I think I just need a few good solid days in the sun. That and perhaps a few days to my self. No kids, wife or even dogs.... I spend most of my nights alone and with out a sound. I like that. When I'm awake I feel like ...I don't know what I feel like.

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