Thursday, September 18, 2008

me time and lack of sleep.....

'I've been kind of out of it these past few days. Its like the worlds
collapsing in slow motion. I just do not want to turn on the TV or computer
when I get home from work. I just do not need any more bad news in my life.
I'll tell you something, I feel hollow inside. Maybe its the seasons
changing, maybe its just me getting older. I just feel empty. Fixing the
kids breakfast, dressed for work, work, go home, eat, watch TV and go to
sleep. I do this close to 30 days a month. Where is my time? When can I
have a do nothing day? Lay in bed for 24 hours? Play video games? When I
do have time its after 830pm after the kids are in bed until midnight (my
usual bed time).
I guess 3 hours are not that bad, I have to make better use of that
time? Ride my bike more? Work out again? read? learn something?
I'm sorry to rant, I slept really bad last night. My youngest had an
earache last night that started as he went to bed. He slept next to me and
just about cried as he slept. I avoided the ER because I knew that there
was not anything that they could do for him. This morning he awoke just
fine as if nothing happened. I'm a wreak here at work. I'm starting to see
things out of the corners of my eyes. I'll get some sleep and I'll be

1 comment:

Stepping Stones said...

I hate when I can't sleep. I can't think right, I feel so sad and disoriented. And I totally understand about you wanting a day for just you. I think you deserve a day or two like that. Hell, I think we all need a day like that.