Tuesday, September 30, 2008

NO ones and zeros.....

Well I'm off the INTERNET again. I had a doohickey that gave me free
INTERNET and it was cool for about 6 months. It does not work for me any
more. I have to check if it will work some where else some one with cable
but with no INTERNET. So with that going on I'm down to checking emails at
the library about 3 times a week, either before work or after. I guess
thats OK because I was burning allot of time hitting "stumble upon" until
my eyes watered from being up for way too long. I was thinking that I do
have a touch of INTERNET addiction.
Its a catch 22; I use it for nothing more than entertainment and what I
really want it for is for the kids. But their too young to read well.
Times is tough and you have to decided between needs and wants. Do I want a
IPOD Touch- hells yea. Do I need it? No, not at all. Do I want a new ULTRA
portable lap top with WI FI built in? Again, Hells yea...but lap top I have
now gets little use outside of me going out of town and using it as a media
I have limited access at other places so I can always get the news, but
browsing for fun is out right now. I'm looking in to the ATT line up , but
the last time I dealt w/ DSL it was a headache. Rabbits were chewing the
cables outside......

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