Saturday, October 18, 2008

Falling from the sky...

My friends in apartments have not been having the best of luck. One was
involved in a house fire and is currently displaced in a tepmorary
apartment. The other had a helicopter crash in to an huge radio antenna in
their complex. All the apartments within 1000' were evacutated because it
may fall. My heart goes out to that group of families. The toddler as well
as the flight crew that was trying to save that child.


There has been a 2nd child abduction attempt that happened in town/next
town over from where I live. I swear I even pray that I never stop an
abduction. I have zero pity in my heart for somone that wishes harm on a
child. I would have no problem doing hard time for killing a
rapist/molester. The monsters look just like us......


I've been having falling dreams. I don't know where I'm falling from , but
I am falling at a high rate of speed. I used to have reoccuring dreams all
the time of me pulling my own teeth out. Now its these falling dreams. I
guess its ok - it's only dreams.


I have to laugh at all the self imposed drama that girls put them selves in
to. Young girls gabbing to each other about this and that. They have no
clue about life in the big pond.....


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