Tuesday, October 07, 2008

mismash 2

I'm starting to hate coming in to work. So many people complaining about this and that. Maybe it helps them to feel better in the misery of others -sharenbrudden?? I know that is wayyy misspelled but the Germans have a separate word for that idea. I try only to catch the news in the morning to catch the weather and sports. The politics and economics have become a daily grind on me and the rest of the world collectively.
My business got hit hard by a series of things; The cost of gas, credit crunch, loss of value of big cars and the cost of small cars going up, people losing jobs. All this plays heavy in to how many people are looking in to buying cars. We are starting to see more repos in the back lot. Every day is starting to blend in to one another......I have to get out of my funk.... We as a country need to get out of t his funk..... 


I had a dream. I was having beers with the governer of texas in a big party tent. He looked like a blend of GW bush, arnold and jay leno. On the main table there were many types of micro brews. I was having a tecate and a waitress took it away and gave me 3 coronas and a hand full of cut limes. -- thats it , then I woke up....weird.






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