Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brave new world.

Obama was sworn in today. I watched what I could because I was working. I
felt good about it, not because he's the first black president, but because
I feel he can transcend politics. I feel he can use both the democrats and
Republicans to full potential. Maybe he can stop all the in-fighting
between parties and work for a unified America.
I know the race thing was important to many many people as well as
the rest of the world. Skin color did not have any pull for me either way.
Granted I would love to see this trend continue; Presidents descended from
immigrants, Mexican, Indian, Asian or even a lady President. There is
nothing wrong for a white man to be in office, but America has many faces.
I voted with my heart and head in this race. I could have voted for McCain.
I liked him as a person , but he seemed to be the puppet of the current
regime. Asking Sarah Palin to be on board with you did not help matters
with me either.
Some people are falling over them selves as if Obama is the messiah. I
think he has so much to do that its a daunting job for anyone. Hes got 2
wars, the economy, unemployment, the auto industry, housing, gay marriage
and every terrorist to deal with. He is going to be under the microscope
every moment he is President and beyond.
I pray for the future, I pray for my kids and I pray for him....Funny I
did not cry with Regan was shot or died, nor did I do this with the pope
but I might with him....Were in uncharted waters now kids. Pick the second
staron the right then straight on til morning.....

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