Saturday, January 24, 2009

Zach and Miri

Dear god did I need a new laugh and Zach and Miri deliver. I had the
oportunity to watch a copy of Z&M and I laughed from the first laugh to the
end. It is Raunchy, funny and breathes new life to the new breed of
slacker 30 year old generation. 40 year old virgin, forgetting sarah m,
pineapple express and more.... I can't get into too many things but it is
one long dirty joke with some tugging at the heart strings. If you get a
chance throw this one in after the kids are well asleep......

1 comment:

Stepping Stones said...

I watched awe...Zach reminded me a lot of Michael. lol But that scene, and you know what I'm talking about, I suddenly got very ill. You knew it was coming. They warned you. You watched and were dumbfounded...why? why? why? Ewwwww