Friday, January 09, 2009

Fish stomach sauce???

I had a horrible dream last night, I has a dream that I wholly blame on the
TV in fact I blame it on Andrew Zimmer and bazaar foods. I had dreamed that
some one offered me fish stomach sauce tea. I could see it like coffee in a
white cup. When I drank it my brain told me that it was salty like a strong
soy sauce. - The bad part was that I had watched the show where they made a
fish stomach sauce in Thailand for restaurants. A kind of highly salted
sauce that goes in to the most basic of dishes. -- Sounds nasty.......I
know I have watched way too much TV if thats leaking in to my head at

I hope your dreams are at least more flavorful than mine were.....blech...

1 comment:

Stepping Stones said...

Ewwwww. Wait, you dreamed about fish..are you pregnant? LOL