Wednesday, November 09, 2005


thank you post secret for the pic.
Work has been a little slow -- it always gets a little longer between customers. I still do ok. I know how to work a deal until its done , but the down time starts to get to me. The motor cycle class is helping to reduce that and keeps me mentaly fresh.When I'm not doing that it feeling like i'm growing mentaly slow.... I feel pent up like a tiger in a cage.... I'm looking forward to Wichita Kansas. Its work , buts its outside of the box. Its a week of refocusing.... Thats kinda hard to explain. I'm allso looking forward to Thanksgiving. I'm making a turkey and mole` as well as a BBQ turkey breast. Mayby its the sun going down so early or the hint of cold thats comming.. I just feel a little off.

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