Wednesday, November 16, 2005

close shave...

Triming hair. Now every one has trimmed stray hair on their bodies at home. I find it very sexy when women have a well trimed private area... a landing strip or hitlers moustache, racing stripe etc. I have used a barbers clippers my self to trim down any wild growth "down there". However the other day I was bored in the shower and had extra time. No one was home so I decided to shave completely my neither regions (and I mean all!). I don't know why? Its not like I'm going to show the world HEY WORLD LOOK AT ME I'M SQUEEKY CLEAN!!. ......I have been shaved there before . bu that was when I had surgery .... lil different this time. While you may say big deal I do it all the time , I'm going to guess your a woman, not a burly manly man LOL ... Night all ...

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