Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well 2006 has gone out like a lion. Four people that I have never met had died this month). Each one of these people had influenced me in one way or the other. Joseph Barbara of Hannah-Barbara cartoon. Much of my childhood memories is filled with one of his creations. From Tom and Jerry to Jabberjaw and many many more. Mr Gerald Ford, I don't know....ant president that appeeres on the Simpsons and played football cant be all that bad. James Brown, his music was part of the soundtrack to my life. Saadam Hussain , he made me worry back in 1990 that I would be sent in to the first oil war. I know what he did was wrong. So many people died under his rule. In the end I felt bad for him.
This week has been rather busy at work. Decembers dim Sun hanging in the air for a few short hours. The dark seeps in at about 4pm. Even though Christmas has just barley passed I am very much past it in my head.
I very much need to take vacation time this year. I know I said it last year too. I know I work way too much. I stopped and took a look at my time working in the last year. In an average 2 weeks I put in close to and usually about 60 hours in a week. Plus phone time on my cell. I have 40 hours of sick time comming to me and 4 days of vacation time that I need to use by March. Its no wonder that when I get home I eat watch tv and go to sleep. I need to win the lottery. All I want is a jack pot of about $28 million. 14 million will go to taxes and the rest I can live on and forget the world for weeks at a time. ...... I do wish for all of those that read this little corner of cyberspace the best for 2007. Hold those that love you close and think about those you can't. Peace , Mr Crane.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Trapped by lazyness...

Ahhh Sunday. The Lords day. Well it is for many people this day was my day.
The wife took my 2 boys to a waterpark with my sister and newphew. They had
left by 11am. I was hungry by game time but was too lazy to go out for
food. I also didnt want to deal with delivery I was hungry now.... It was a
frozen food day. Lil mini pizzas, fish sticks and meatloaf dinners..... Now
I did not have it all at one time. It was spaced out through out the day. A
little before the game, a nap, a little after. Even the dogs were in a lazy
mood. They passed out next to me as I napped from 3 til 5 pm. I had teh
phone off and only had teh TV on for the game. Did I have stuff to do?
Sure I did , we all do. Sometimes that can wait. I felt like Homer Simpson
about to make a grilled carmel butter waffle..... Ahhh sacralicious... If
any one rads this I hope that you do take time in a buzy holiday season to
stop and take some time for your self. Buy your self a gift. I used to go
and buy my self a new aftershave every year at Christmas time. I haven't
done that since the kids arrived. I think I'm due.... Laters all.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Grey skies and cold hearts..

As it gets closer to christmas I find that people are at their worst.
Looking for gifts because they "have to" rather than want to. Crazy sales
that draw out the dregs of society. The ones that shop for hard to get
items to make a scaping on. Spoiled kids with the I wants.... The whole
thing makes me turn toward the state of no religion. No gods no masters.
There are people that bow down to anything, politics, money, power and sex.
There are others that transcend that and actually go above and beyond to do
something for others. I havent gotten there yet. Im in the state where I
just stopped caring. Maybe I just need a little sunlight to make feel
better. I just look for the holidays to be over. ....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lost Days....

Wow I lost a day today.... Yesterday I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Birthday parties and my "Holiday" party at work. It was fun and my oldest son was on stage during a magic show. So I was out of the house form 12 - 7 pm. By the tie I put the kids to bed and relaxed it was 10 pm. Today I was scheduled off of work so I went through the morning thinking that it was Sunday. The I picked up my son from school. I lost some time. Next think I knew it was midnight and I'm here writing. I guess I finally started using the on demand thing on cable. In the past few days Ive seen most of the Rocky movies again and I just watched Zardoz.... my god what I piece of crap that was. May be for 1974 it was fun but today .... wooo hooo wow. Not so much.

Things I have learned from Zardoz

Having a disembodied head for your announcer is not a good start.
Ammo can be a fashion statement.
Your memories are from a third person perspective!
Nets look pretty sexy on a girl.
Erections sound like guitars.
If you kiss a girl and she doesn't kiss back - SHOTPUT HER ASS!
Immortality causes impotency.
Human genetic structure looks like a jellyfish
Flowers are an impassable barrier.
Sean Connery looks pretty darn good in a wedding dress, sets a guy to thinking...
People can remain in one place for sixty years.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

More Helpers...

Santas Helpers?

Bad Santa
Anti Santa

Good Santa

Bah humbug

I love Christmas. I hate the Christmas season. From Nov 1 to Jan 7 sucks. The consumerism and midnight sales ... for what to help remind me of the birth of Christ? I have a friend whose family does exchange presents but also sings "Happy Birthday to Jesus" on Dec25. I liked that. If your out shopping for christmas dont forget to put a little christ in to that day as well. As for me I want to crawl in to a rock and sleep until its over. The one thing I truley look forward to during Christmas is my moms Tamales...... Now that my friends is good eats.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Wow did I forget how hard it was to work in the cold. You can feel it sucking the energy out of you. I spent Friday digging out at work. Removing snow and digging cars out. When I finished I came home and had to do he same thing by hand. The packed ice and slipping of your feet when you shoveling. Well its here and its on us so I had better get used to it. Low of 7 degrees last night and it does not look like it will get over 30 this week. Remember dress in layers. Stay dry and watch where you step. Its still very early in the season and it will get much much colder. There are a few days in my life that I remember being COLD. Its usually in January near the 15or 16th. The winds change as the blow in from the Artic. The air can get down near -15 and the wind chill can get down to -60. Raw meat freezes in about a minute. Pipes burst. Cars will refuse to start. If you throw water in to the air it will freeze (small drops) before it hits the ground.... Damnm thats cold.

Friday, December 01, 2006


I've said it before.... I've reached a certain age in my life when I see myself attending the wakes and funerals of my friends parents. I've passed the wedding stage and in most cases the birth of the first child. Now its an awkward time in life. I'm a little off today. I'm still recovering the whole chest cold thing. Chicago got hit with about a foot of snow. Ice below and above that didn't help either. Any ways, last night I attended the wake for the father of a friend of mine. It was in the South side of Chicago and held in a baptist church. It was very odd for me there was singing and praising. I joked with a friend of mine and asked him after it was all over to keep my own service shot and sweet. Take my corpse out drinking and cremate me in the morning. I would be happy if you would all just tell the others that attend 1 story on how I made your life a little better or just happy or even made you laugh for 1 second. I tried to get through life with hurting people and I have failed at that. I know that I have made each person that has met me laugh at least once. At least I did that right. -- Sorry folks Wakes , funerals and the idea of being forgotten throws me off. Good night.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fevered dreams...

I've been sick for about 3 days now. I felt it start on Sunday morning after I helped a friend move some sofas in to his apt. I thought I was just out of breath and sore from that its been awhile since I've moved some on in. I went to work on Monday and left early I just did not feel right. I was in bed by 8pm or so. Fever,ears ringing, cough, tight chest and the ever present tummy troubles. I tossed and turned in bed for most of the night. Hot sweaty uncomfortable sleep. That night I had dreams of a former lover of mine. I do miss her alot , that's true, but the dreams haunted me through the entire night. It was not like you see a person in a dream and that is it. She was hopping from dream to dream. I could not tell you what the dreams were about. Not because I don't want to but because I don't really know.Nothing crazy or even sexy just images and flashes. At about 2am the dog woke up barking at me. I think she was freaking out because the squeeky sound my lungs were making at night. I slept on and off through most of today and I feel better now I just can't breath well. In the afternoon I slept and had dreams. These again made no sense what so ever. It was like reading a book while you are flipping its pages. You will only catch a glimpse of whats inside. I remember climbing a tree and putting my hands through a nest. I could feel the twigs between my fingers.
- Its midnight and I just woke up from going to bed at 730pm. I'm going to put the new Superman in the DVD player and chill till I get sleepy again. The weather is quickly changing so please dress for it. Get your cars tuned up and filled with the right fluids. and lastly chug your OJ. Night all.

Friday, November 24, 2006

sounds and sights....

Its funny sometimes when you hear smell or see something in your life that takes you back years in your own life. In the past few days I have noticed a few things about my self .... When I sneeze I sound like my own father. I know I have his nose and eyes and some times when I look in the mirror I can almost see him in my own face. Its not a bad thing. I know I have my moms legs and yes bad knees and joint pains. (thanks mom! !) - I wonder what things my boys will see in their own faces to remind them about me when they are older.
-- Smells -- My dad used to use a pomade in his hair when he was my age now. It was green and came in a jar. I do know not its name but when i was at my moms house for thanksgiving I went looking for an old jar ot it to keep for my self. Its stupid but the smell of it makes me a kid again. - Some kids grow up with the smell of Old Spice to remind them about dad I had green stuff in a jar.
-- Im tired boys and girls and need some sleep time before I start the wonderful world of auto sales again. Wish me luck.

gobble gobble

wow -- to day was fucking rough for me. I had some fellas from work over to play cards until 6am. I slpet until 8 am and then started the day. I went to my Mom and dads hung over and with 2 hours of sleep. I drank a shit load of red bull and rum. - Thanksgiving was nice for the whole 17 minutes it took to eat. Then I found the couch at mom moms and passed out for an hour or 2. Came home by 4pm and then napped. So for the most part it was a day spent recovering and eating. Not a bad day just a rough day. Next year Cards ends at 3am...... Tomorrow is BLACK FRIDAY it officially kick off the season that I can not stand. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas for the kids and the birth of Christ. Its the whole mass consumerism I can not stand. Sales that start at midnight to get your cheeep plasmas at wall mart or other place.. Run spend consume. I will not go out for the next month or so because of the crowds and idiots in general. -Sorry about the rant but I hope you all ate well and spent the day with family or friends. Gobble.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Where the fuck have I been? Its only been a week but sometimes that seems like forever or its feels like a single day.... Besides the typical 50 hour work week that usually lasts until 9:30-10 pm. I have been busy preparing for winter. Sounds crazy but I have been sealing windows and cleaning gutters as well as the last steam cleaning of the carpet in the house. The boyz are old enough to play in the basement. I have sealed all the paint and house hold chemicals, tools secured and smoke detectors are in place. -- My folks have bought us a new sofa set so that is the main reason for all of the last minute painting/cleaning. Its my Christmas/birthday gift all in one. So I guess no power tools this year...The kids love it.
--- A few nights ago I recieved an email that was an invite to go out for a few beers with some freinds from HighSchool. The problem is I don't really feel like going. We were great friends 20 years ago but I feel like they didn't make the effort to keep in touch. And now they want to rekindle lost time? Maybe its me being bitter? Maybe ifs all the would of could of and should of's that I think about. 20 years didn't seem that long ago. I think I will go and have a beer or two. I owe them that much. To any one who still reads this tired old blog. Stay warm.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


this made me very sad, but sometimes the dream is worth the cost.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A new dawn....

I hope you went out and voted. With a prayer things will start to change for the better. I saw the last few years as dark times politicly speaking. I used to vote straight democrat. As I have grown older I vote person by person. I really try to put the right person in to a job. I also know thats its bad but I also tend to vote to put in woman judges. I just feel that most likely they were hosed. If ya didn't vote please dont bitch.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dia de los meurtos....

When the Spanish Conquistadores arrived in the land known now as México, they were shocked to discover natives practicing a ritual that seemed to mock death.

The Aztecs and many other pre-Hispanic civilizations collected skulls as trophies and used them during the ritual. These skulls symbolized death and rebirth. Unlike the Spaniards who viewed death as the end of life, the natives considered it as a continuation of life.

To the natives, life was a dream and only in death they would ecome awake.

The ritual had been practiced for over 3000 until the Spaniards decided to impose their Christian beliefs and try to eradicate it. But like the old Aztec spirits, the ritual refused to die the Spanish way and continues to live.

Today the Day of the Dead is celebrated in México and in certain parts of Central America and the United States.

People in rural México pay tribute every year by spending the night in the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate the graves with Flores de Muerto (marigold flowerers), toys for the children, and bottles of mezcal for the adults.

In Mexico's larger cities, families build altars dedicated to the dead. They surround the altars with food, skulls made of sugar, candles, sugar cane, pictures of the deceased, and candles.

Text borrowed from

Monday, October 30, 2006


Well I'm better but busy. I called in sick for work on Sat. I had Sunday and Monday off. I still had tons of stuff to do here. My sister is going to have surgury for fibroids. I think we are going to have my newphew here for awhile until she recovers.... I think that would be a good thing for both of them. Tomorrow is Halloween it should be fun. Night all...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

sick boy

i'm sick. temp of 104. when i went to work this morning i could just not get warm. hot cocoa, a jacket , nothing helped. i left at 2pm and came home and passed out. i just woke up to have some tea and go back to sleep. I feel weak, its hard to walk .... i'll try to go toi work tomorrow.....

Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday night lights....

Its funny that my trip to Ohio still haunts me. I was gone for 2 weeks and just have not felt in rythm with october. I get hope and start prepping for winter. Foam in the basement windows, cleaning the gutters , sealing drafts. I guess I missed the nicer part of fall in IL. This month is has been cold. Ice on the windows in the morning, small heater in the bathroom so I can shower. I'm already looking in to doing a coolent change for the Jeep for a deep winter cycle. We are about 15-20 degrees below what October should be. Halloween is going to be cold and rainy....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesdays rant and yes a zombie...

A few weeks ago I sold a car to an older lady and she had such a fun time. At the end she gave me 8 of the "Left Behind" series of books. I started reading the first one in the internet office today. In that office I sit and baby sit the phones and answer email. One on my co workers is working next to me and smikrs at the book. I ask her why?? She responds about the Rapture and leaving all behind is a modern itea and she has a master in theology. Blah blah blagh. I talk to her for a second and ask her to keep out of my book and I would like it to be a little more quiet in the office so I can read. She then goes off on how I need it quiet. I stop and ask about her Masters degree in theology. I pause and simply unload both barrels... Wow it does you a lot off good here shagging cars. Me and Chris (another co workers) have NO degrees between us and sell twice as many cars as you. Good luck with that degree. .... At this point she is fuming at me and at herself on how much of a bitch she sounded like. I've trumped her before once when she was trying to sound intelligent about wines and beers.... bad mistake. It sounded like she just watched "sideways" and wanted to sound snooty. I used to sell wines for a living and buy them wholesale for a store or two. And yes I an a BIG beer geek....
--Stay out of my business about religion. You may have a masteres in Thelogy but no spirit in your heart. I have no heart.
--Stay out of my business about beer or wine unless you are buying me a round. Then you have until I finish my beer to impress me about that particular beer. ....End Rant.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday football

Quarterback Brett Farve, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God started showing him around.

They came to a modest little house with a faded Packers flag in the window. "This house is yours for eternity, Brett," said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here."

Brett felt special indeed and walked up to his house.On his way up to the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a three-story mansion with a blue and orange sidewalk, 50-foot tall flagpole with an enormous Bears logo flag, and in every window, a blue helmet with a "C" on it.

Brett looked at God and said, "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an All-Pro Quarterback, I won a Super Bowl, and I even went to the Hall of Fame."

God said, "So what do you want to know, Brett?"

"Well, why does Walter Payton get a better house than me?"

God chuckled and said, "Brett, that's not Walter Payton's house, it's mine."

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Today the power when off in the house today for about 3 hours. We had candles out and through out the house. It was odd. Out of habbit I "turned on" th epower when I went to the bathroom. My hand just flipped the switch. I read stories to the kids by candle light and told them that grand ma and grand pa grew up in very similar conditions. Coal stoves and oil lamps. They actually had an outhouse on their property. It was neat being in the flickering lights and moving room to room with a lamp. The sum of the 21 century left me at the flick of a switch. No lights, no TV, no computer, Mircowave and fridge gone. The truth be told it was qite scary for a bit. Old horror stories went on in my head. Zombies and aliens creeping in the shadows. ...... Just like a movie it was over in a few short hours.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Return of the...

This movie freaked the shit out of me ..... It was fun and creepy as hell. THe Leather clad "Punk" that was eaten by the Tarman zombie is from the next burb over from me. I loved the sound track and the whole feel of the movie.

**Since I was adding buttons I've added Waiter Rant and and adding What is it? Both great blogs that are well done and should be read when given time.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

20 years and nothings changed....

Well I did not go to my 20th but I did go to a bar with several friends. The bar is a small local dive , but it has about 100 beers on tap and bottle. It had a local cover band called "Choice of potato" they were fun. We gabbed and drank and then drank some more. About 10 pm my phone would not stop ringing with people begging me to come. I stood my ground and was actually accused of protesting the 20th. I laughed and invited them to join me afterwards. About 9-10 people did show up after to make it to last call... It was nice to see some and sad to see how some have not grown up. I know my burn out past and its no big deal. Some guys get locked in to that one moment and live in it after the glory days are long gone. *** during a round or 2 of good beer It was my turn to buy beers. I bought one of my co beer snob friends an miller light. To us it was an insult.... It made me laugh... It was good to get out and good to see some. But I don't think I'm going to do too much extra calling.

***** 2 buttons that I've added. One is the Random blog button. I found it by accident. Its much better than the "next blog button". No porn or ads. The second is a button for Post secret. Its a wonderful site and its almost comforting that some where some one has the same thoughts feeling and secrets as you.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Fun story line and soon to be made in to a full length cartoon ...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Season of the Witch...

I put up Halloween decorations today. A lit ghost ,pumpkin and a scarecrow. I've noticed that there are not alot of decorations out yet. I went to target to buy some make up for one of the kids and the Christmas studd was out already. arrrrg that pisses me off more and more. so we noe have to deal with 2 full months of xmas shopping now? Fuck that. I'm still painting skulls and deciding on where to hand a few bats in the trees. Its the one time of year that I do look out for because some cool horror movies usually come out. -- Ive just finnished a fun zombie book called Monster Island by Davis wellington. I'll get the next one soon. World war Z also just came out in print. SO that will be fun.. So until Nov 1 I am going to try to post a daily Zombie picture. Forgive me if I miss a day but I will try.
Silver Shamrock.....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well its been awhile since I've put up a pic of a monkey so I owed ya that much. I've decided not to go to my 20th High School reunion. Somthing inside me just said no to the whole debaucle. The way I look at it is - That I alread stayed friends with the people that I wanted to from High School. -- The others never threw me a phone call or any thing like that. My parents have had the same phone number since 1970. So it not like they could have not gotten a hold of me. My emails on the Highschools web page .

The class was highly fragmented along class lines. I was not rich , but my parents may sure that I had a good private education. I was also Mexician, a stoner, metal head and oddly enough in all the acclerated science and math classes. So I was this headbanggin stoner nerd.... I was king of the burn outs. Any ways I'm meeting some friends of mine at a neighborhood tap after the whole shindig for some beers and chat.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Friday, October 06, 2006


Yesterday at work I received a call from a co worker at another store. It was urgent and I needed to call him back right away. .... I went to Ohio with 2 other men that worked for the company. I worked close with these guys for 14 days. Nice guys. .... It turns out that one of the men I worked with had died in his sleep on Tuesday night. In his sleep and out of the blue. I just saw him on Tuesday in the afternoon and made plans to grab lunch soon. Son of a bitch... Its funny how stupid your brain get when you hear news like that. I thought of the $4 dollars he owed me .... Imagine that that what my brain thought of. Not about his family or anything else like that but four fucking dollars. I shrugged the money off right away and sat there stunned.... Im waiting on news for the wake. Its funny if he would have died while on a work trip his family would have gotten an extra $200,000 of insurance money. I know that I would have paid that amount and more to have spent one more day with my uncle. Good bye Dwayne, good bye. It was nice getting to know a good person in a sea of idiots.
"I might not be anybody, but I know how to get stuff done." Dwayne G.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Saturday, September 30, 2006

bye bye ohio....

last day here. and Im glad. Im done here. Ive developed some sort of heat rash on my neck and chest and Im going insane from the itching.... insane... Today I go back on a late flight and Im glad. I really want a home cooked meal. Iwould come back if they asked me again but I wouldnt ask for it again. --in the past yr Ive spent 1 month here in columbus. I'll guess I'll actually miss some people.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Happy birthday to me....

Its my birthday today. Im in ohio on business and its a dreary day. I decided to take the day off. Its not like me but I have no conection to the world today. I am going to treat myself to a nice lunch and a nice dinner, watch smallville and go shopping for my self. Im here for another three days and Ive been working for 10 days straight.Ideserve a treat. Perhaps a $5.00 shake. Maybe a slice of chocolate gooey cake for my self...

--- A long time ago I believed in reincarnation. I would often have dreams of being a black man in the 1930's in the south. I remember someone drowning my daughter. The dreams were vivid and very disturbing. Now I don't know about it any more. Would I want to come back again? What would I have to relearn that I did not learn this time around? The funny party of reincarnation is that only a very few people have claimed to have been an alien or slave. Even reincarnation has an end. Once you learn all you were ment to you achieve enlightenment.

**!!no its not a nazi Swastika, its a symbol that much older than that. -- Its buddahist!!**

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Soul glow....

Ok I went back in to the hood again and went to the soul food restraunt...... my god I thought I was going to die. Not from the neighborhood but from eating so much. Hot water corn cakes, turkey , stuffing, yams, and mac and cheese..... I had lemonade but a co worker ordered red kool aide..... I could have found a tree and passed out for a couple of hours. I was hard to go to work afterward. The place was small and kinda dark, 3 tables but the ladies all called us honey or baby and were awsome. I want to go back and I dont at the same time. If I go alone I might just pass out in the parking lot...... Its all about the soulllllllllllllllll glowwwwwwwwwwww...... baby.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday bloody sunday....

Normaly I do not work on Sundays in Ill. Here in ohio the store is openon sundays. it football games , no sunday beers. just customers and people who need a slappin. the only good thing was that i did have some kick ass sushi.... outside of that today just sucked.....i missed a party for a friend yesterday. that sucked too.... i guess im starting to reall;y miss my family and friends.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Soul food?

Today is my 5th day here in Ohio and I'm already tired of being here. I don't have any friends here and work is long late hours. I'm tired of going out to eat. Ive grown bored with it. The fake smile at my hostess and waitress. The chit chat to cover uncomfortable silences. The noise at the restrauants; clinking , chatting and music. I just want to eat a nice home made and possibly healthy meal. I guess you can taste the love that goes in to a meal. Today I did have a real good lunch. I co worker of mine took me to a Jamacian restrauant in the "hood". It was not a nice place outside. There were plenty of shady types about. But it was Friday and about 4pm so I know most of the guys just got out of work. I guess I would describe the neighboor hood as being close to the near south side of Chicago. I also assume the my size protects me as I was refered to by a guy walking by as "big man". I went in ant there was no place to sit. All the seats were full. I ordered Curry chicked, mac and cheese and red beans and rice. (peas and rice as they called it.) We brought it back to work and the smell was wonderful. Hot spice, and a slight smell of cinnimon and clove. It was delicious. That was a meal in which the was love. Some true soul food. I am going to another place that is all about soul food on Monday. I know they serve catfish, fried chicken, greens, mac and cheese and yes you can get red Kool Aid there by the glass...... Its not 100% of what I needed today but it was damn close. Night all.

Edna's Caribbean Kitchen
Columbus, Ohio