Wednesday, January 11, 2006

fuck you ...

ever just want to punch some on in the face? todat I transfered in a car for a family that wanted this car. I showed them what the price range of the car was going to be... between $540 and $630 per month (she was ok with the monthly payment then) . After we ran a credit check and the banks came up with their rate it was at $570. SHe looks at me square in the eye and says "thats too much" SO I respond " She should not be a suprise $570 is between $540 and $630, thats the ranne we showed you before we transfered the car. She wanted the payment to be 470 , sure if you put down another 5 grand..... what the fuck..... a fucking wate of my whole day getting the car - running credit -- and being nice to their fucking kids. (did I tell you I hate kids at work? did i?) -- Her husband looked embarassed . I said well when you come up with 5 grand then your payment will be where you want them. No I will not hold this car until you make up your mind (and in secret I will try to sell it out from under you) ---- the only nice part about the work day is that I had taco bell for lunch. Its a dirty little secret but I actually enjoy a taco supreme from the bell about once a month......

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