Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year.....

Well its 2006. 2005 was not too bad... Not the best year ever but all in all it went ok. There's some things I wanted to do in '05 that I just did not get done. I want to get them done in 2006. Are there things that you want to do this year? Here are my top 10.

1. Buy new A/C for the house. (old one went out in Oct.)
2. Tint car windows... Not a need just a want..
3. Remote start on car ... again just a want
4 Get a new tattoo ... Just need to find the right one....
5. actually finish the walls in basement (??? my dad wants to do this one)
6. Get back to weightlifting (shoulders done hurt any more)
7. ride motorcycle down state
8. finish motorcycle engine class.
9. walk my boy to kindergarden
10. go to the movies more.
11. get back to shooting the bow and arrow
12. get my FOID card again
13. Take some time off of work.
14. Look in to online universities (work pays for em)
15. Drop body fat index.... (not necessarily weight)
16. Reseed the entire lawn (with a dog and kids may not ever happen)
17. I'll say it only this one time... Go to a Cubs game (never been to one)
19. get snipped?? (been on the agenda for awhile.....)
20. Write down all my mis adventures....

OK that's 20 instead of just 10 but with a whole year in front of you I cant quite think. I know I will look up and it will be march then September then 2007. It seems that years get faster and faster the older I get... Any how I hope that 2006 will be better than 2005 for every one....

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