My parents came over today. They come over about once a month or so. We usually make dinner and hang out. They came over and brought my nephew with them so he played with my boys and had a great time. My father gave me quite a bit of wrenches. They are spares from his sets but I would say probally $150-300 dollars in craftsmen wrenches from Sears. I love craftsman tools-- if a hand tool break you go in and they replace it for free. Wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers etc any non powered handtool. This also made me feel a little weird at the same time. I think that with my aunt dying he may be getting things in order. Men on my dads side of the family dont tend to live for a long time. Usually less than 70. Women on both sides (mom and dads) lived well past 90 (grand ma on my moms side still here at 93) so my sistes is set if she just learns to eat right. Nothing is wrong with my dad and I am very glad that my kids will have memories of a grand father - I didnt have any grand father. Maybe I'm reading too uch in to the tool thing , may be he's just cleaning house of excess tools (he does have lots, as life time mechaninc he will collect many).
-- My oldest son's tooth fell out and he found the Eisenhower Doller I left for him. He called it a big penny. He was very excited. It was cool to see that in his eyes. I forgot the bannans in the socks.
-- Hmmm work sucks, seems like every one with bad credit is comming out of the wood work. I actually had a guy write a bad check on a downpayment for a car. It was for $10,000 . We called him ad politley asked for the car back or the state police would knock on his door inside of ten min. - We got the car back and told him to never come back (btw sir, we have all your data in our computer if you do including a scan of your drivers licence) -- What the fuck are people thinking???
-- I'm feeling kinda numb the last few weeks .... I knwo its the weather, I need to see the sun. I've felt it come on in the last few years -- SAD .. Seasonal depresion. I have it in a very minor sence. I know that its also because of work. I usually start at 10 am and work til 8 or 9 pm ... well in to the night. -- No big deal Spring os comming very soon.
-- I'm having a letter published in a magazine...I sent a letter to a new motorcycle magazine thanking them on the content of the zine and they asked permission to publish it. That made me smile - MOTOR CYCLE CLASSICS magazine . Its a way cool zine .
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