Wednesday, May 10, 2006

day off

well they gave me a day off -- spent the bulk of it sleeping . woke up late had a coke zero and then had some damn good chicken wings. went back then took a late afternoon nap the actually read for a bit. that was nice to have the quiet in the afternoon , usually i have to read after dark or at work. I watched the KING OF CARS on A&E -- to me its a funny ass show. Now I'm watching TV and im in a tornado watch ..... out of state and wanting more wings.... the damn places to eat close @ 11 pm . I guess I have to realize that the rest of the world is not on my sechedual . I have been trading emails with my High School group and noticed they all get up between 5-7 am -- my ass does not get up til 9 or 10 am. Then again I work until 9 pm as a minimum or 10 usually. I ALWAYS go to bed after 1 pm .... Any who I have to go to bed and work tomorrow.....

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