Tuesday, May 16, 2006

home sweet home.

Well I'm home and thats a good thing. My fridge is empty. My lawn looks
like I have abandoned the house. (in the mid west its been raining for 7
days straight). My poor car looks like some one took a dump on it. Leaves,
pods, dirt.... The flight home was quick and easy. I came home HUNGRY , as
if I had a tape worm. I needed wings -- Its like im a wing junkie. So I
took my friend who drove me home some Hooter wings. ---- Then home and on
to laundry. This thing that irks me from work is they schedualed me all
week - no days off. I worked Sunday and yesterday + a flight home. I think
Im going to take a personal day tomorrow. I have too much to do right now.
Even though I am sleeping alone I am sleeping better. Its the bed,pillows,
sheets and sounds of your house that help me sleep. I think tomorrow mow
the lawn. ...Any who Take care every body and its good to be home.

Mr Crane....

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