Sunday, May 21, 2006

POker and Chili

Well I had the knuckle heads over from work to play poker. I swear they play like lil bitches. Gab Gab Gab .... Its a freaking $5 game !!!! Cheep bitches. Arrrg --- Any ways I made my Coco whiskey chili --- 3 kinds os meat , 2 kinds of beans, red pepper onion and garlic , spices , some cocoa power (NOT CHOCOLATE) and 2 shots of whiskey. If the Cocoa throws you . Cocoa is used in Mole` and goes really well with the spices and cumin in the chili. -- All of it was eaten ... and of course I had to tell the boys to bring chips if not they would only have brought beer. They left at 3:30 am and I got to bed about 430. I woke up at 11 am then back to sleep til 2 pm .... I did manage to get lots of stuff done! I cut the grass, trimmed the bushes, hand washed and waxed the car as well as cleaned up from all the drunken chili eating bitches from last night. -- I'm getting better at making Chili -- Its not about the heat itsa about the complex flavor .... Like love....

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