Christmas time. It always make me shake my head and want to ask " What are
you doing?" . Why you you get up at 11pm or not go to bed at all to try to
grab sales? I used to just be mad at the people doing this but now I'm mad
at the stores. Now they open at midnight or some cater o a Thanksgiving day
sale. Some are pushing their super sales on the Wednesday before
Thanksgiving. Can't we just have a holiday that is a holiday. A true Holy
Day? A day where some one is respected or honored. A day where family,
friends or the birth of Jesus is remembered. Not a day where one tries to
grab the plasma TV or Cd's or any other crap made in China.
This year was an odd year for my Thanksgiving. My family was scattered here
and there. I still ate well but it was quiet. My youngest had a fever
through out the day. I spent most of my time with him in and out of bed.
Kids do bounce back, by 5 om it was as if he just woke up for the first
time through the day. His Thanksgiving meal was a bowl if cookie crisp and
milk. In truth that does not sound too bad either. Simple and honest.
Giving thanks to God for what you have.
The cold is upon us. I have sealed up the windows and almost finished
putting the deck away for the season. The cool weather clothes are all
their totes and the winter gear is out. Heavy coats and gloves, fleece
jackets and slippers, the heavy blankets and hats. I love the time of year
and hate it all the same. The dogs are in and out within 5 minutes. They
are not cold weather fans either. All this and I still want to see Alaska
and the South pole. Some people are complaining about the wind and temps.
I don't mind them. I feel bad for those who are out in this all day long.
The homeless, the outdoors trades men, water guys and gas line guys. They
are well compensated so thats a perk. I spend about 40% of any given day
outdoors. Some days more some days less but my job is weather dependent.
There is not a single work day that goes by with out a weather check. The
rain, wind, cold, heat , sun shine and of course the occasional perfect
day. 75 degrees and a slight wind, sunshine and an occasional cloud to
break up the sky.
As a kid I would often day out of those days and watch the clouds. The
shapes and the movement kept them alive. I would feel the sun soak in to my
skin. It would energize me, inspire me and give me hope that the day would
last forever. I think its been years since I've allowed my self to enjoy a
day doing nothing. A day with out an agenda. No radio, no DVD or wifi, no
chatter overhead or cell phones, no cars or family. Just a day for me.
Outside in the Sun perhaps on a hammock enjoying the sounds of outdoors.
I can feel the depression setting in around the edges. The Sun coming up at
6:42 am and going down at 4:22pm. The darkness never really goes away in
the Winter. Its held back for a few hours. I use compact fluorescent light
bulbs in the home to be green and save energy dollars. They do not provide
the right wavelengths. I have to go and buy at least one full spectrum
bulb. They help ( a little). I've been watching the old TV show Northern
Exposure. It was a fine show for the time. It actually held up OK 10 years
later. In the show they described eating a large amounts of chocolate to
help produce serotonin. A brain chemical that pushes back seasonal
depression. I would not mind a big chocolate shake and gooey cake. Hot
fudge sundae and waffles n syrup. Even if It does not work as told it would
be a good snack in the darkness.... Keep warm and keep the light on its
only 4 months till spring...
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