Tuesday, January 18, 2005

damn its cold outside

Part of my job is working out side.No big deal I actually enjoy it. The air , sun and of course the snow and rain as well. I know I should not complain its not like working construction or directing traffic. But today it was damn cold outside. I know that ALL of you hate getting in to a cold car and driving it somewhere. Today we at work had to move lines of cars to be sure they started for our clients. So it was starting a cold car the driving it to a new spot. Leaving it and jumping in to a new cold car. - Pain in the ass-- You knew that car would not warm up before the next car. Its the one thing I know that people hate doing and yet I was doing it today while I waited for an appointment. --- Stay warm everybody.

PS so many blog changes... the blog ladies in my life are changing gears on me. SOme dropping their blogs others just changing (for the better). Either way I enjoy reading a small part of your beautiful minds. Now thats sexy! A smart lady -- meow wow.

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