Saturday, January 15, 2005


Ever go looking for porn lately? Not on the internet, you can find that inside of .05 seconds. Im not talking about a video either. With some looking you can still find a Mom and Pop shop that rents it. Forget about the Hollywoodmegablockbuster store the best they do is a hard R. Its weird , I had friends that lived in the City. I used to go w/ my friend Mark and go drive , grab a burrito and some Porn mags (mind you this was pre - internet). The Mags would be in a three pack so he would keep 2 and give me one for driving.
One time he gave me some money to grab a pack from the news-stand. I run up and only see the title OVER 40. I assumed it was bust size over 40 in. SO I grabbed that and ran back to the car and tossed it to Mark. He open it up with wild abandon. He shreeked in horror when over 40 was indeed over 40 years old. By that I mean most ly over 55 or more wrinkled granny types. Inside a second and a half it was tossed out the window and on to the streets.
I went out looking for a magazine to give to a friend for Christmas (and a bag of cheese popcorn ((long story))). I stopped in a 7/11 -nothing. I ran to a drug store (in my youth they sold them there) - Nothing. Finially I had to run to an old Arab run liquor store. They had magazine porn. Again another weird thing. Arabs , nothing against them on a personal level , but why do they run liquor stores? The religion prohibits them tasting their wares. I know I used to sell booze for a living. It would be like a Jewish Rabbi selling SPAM or working a shellfish stand. But thats another point. This point was that the far suburbs porn is driving underground so far that unless you are looking for airbrushed playboy and the occasional Penthouse you are visiting the old dirty Arab guys. (Like Old dirty bastard but funnier) No liquor but porn , bring it on for those guys. -- its cold outside and im wrapping porn as a christmas present.
Nice -- stay warm everybody!!

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