My wife and I were violently ill last night.. I am blaming bad Indian food, she blames a virus. In the moring I went to work and left after a few hours. She was napping upstairs so I joined her. The two boys were watching Tv . After about an hour I awoke to the sound of water. My wife came down stairs when I hear her say "Oh God!" . I ran downstairs to find it flooded .. The kids had been playing w/ the sprayer from the kitchen sink. EVERYTHING was soaked, the celing, floor, walls tables , both kids..... Everything. The clean up took about two hours. I went in to the basement w/ the wet towels .. water had soaked down stairs ..... Arrrrg . Ive dried I dont know how many loads of towles tonight. Yea they are my monkey boys. Its somthing that I would have done my self at their age. --
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