Thursday, October 04, 2007

10 print "Hello" , 20 go to 10 ....

It funny on how much one depends on the internet now. I am having trouble
at home with my internet connection. I think I need a new cable modem I
should be live again today or by Friday. Its no big deal, but it feels like
I am partaly cut off from the world. One eye to night. No emails, no quick
view on whats at the theaters, no mapquest,no chats , no stumbling, no
streaming movies and no place to put my thoughts. I was looking at some old
emails that I kept from people, Emails with pictures mainly (even one from
David prowse ((Darth Vader, look it up)). I came to realize I have had an
email in some way shape or form for over 10 years and have been with some
form of computer at my house since 1982. I used to write in basic and
cobol. Both self taught and formal classes. Thats a long time to develop an
interdependance with a technology. Granted I could go to the library or to
the local Mc Donalds or even Buffalo wild wings (they are "Hotspots"). In
theory I could even drop internet access at home and just do that, but I've
grown to want it at home. Please notice I used the word want instead of
need. There are differences. My kids do not yet need it for school. I could
browse outside, check emails and tend to what needs to be done all outside,
but the at home convience will be lost. Its a thought but I might do that.
Perhaps if I can talk the clubhouse to become a hotspot that might help?
Hell I think I could talk them in to droping the $100 needed to do that.
Time to get writing.
**The pictures of my foods are going well. I need to upload what I have
done this week. This week I am focusing in portion control. While some
meals may look large that are typical salads with little dressing or a rice
dish. I've started walking when I get home and some light lifting. Square
one. 6.5/month.

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