363 days and counting before I turn the dreaded forty years old. Forty times around the Sun since I was born. 14600 times spinning around the Earths axis. I want to finish some goals in the course of 1 year. Physical goals and maybe some mental goals. I want to drop 25% BMI. For me thats about 77 lbs in 1 year. That works out to be about 6.5 lbs lost per month with out the addition of muscle mass. It sounds do able ..... last time I quite because my shoulders were killing me. Truth be told , I was not put together well. I have always had bad joints. Its easy to skip one day, easier to skip two and not even a mention to bypass a week. I need to keep my self mentally motivated. I want to try to learn a new language. The question is what would I like to learn? I could always polish up my Spanish. I can speak it and understand it, but I speak it like an Anglo. The accents are wrong and some of my verbiage and tenses are off. Italian? French? Both are Latin based? Maybe Latin itself? Its a dead language but the root of three modern languages. German? No, no use for it. Chinese? That may be the way to go. One fifth of the worlds population and new Superpower. Also I like the foods. Japanese? would I use it? Probably not but the accents are very similar to Mexican Spanish. Indian? Too many sub dialects. I do like the foods as well. Arabic? Useful ? Maybe is we are in the continuing war.
I would also like to get at least one new tattoo. I do not know what just yet, but I do know I want one. I want to do some alone time camping by my self. 3 days out in the woods. Just me and some time away from the world. I am going to San Francisco for three days but when? I'm too busy to take vacation.... isn't that a laugh. Too busy to relax. I need to move "taking time for myself" up my priority list. I started something new today as well. It's not my idea or even a new idea. I am going to try to photograph what I eat every day and list it on a blog as well as a picture of my face. These are two items that should be easy to do if I remember. I'll post what blogs those are if you are that bored and want to see what I'm eating....... The person that I saw the photos of him self took them over a five year period. The food blog photo person did it to lose weight. I thought those were both a keen idea. As always thanks and take care of your self.....
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