Friday, October 19, 2007

Longviews and short sights.....

I received a chain email from my old high school email list on how "were taking America back". Some trip about prayer at foot ballgames , if your an atheist just dont listen , if your Muslim just deal with it your in the USA. I snapped back. I was angry. Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion. This right wing BS about religion. Their blue eyes , blond jesus... I let them know that the days of Ozzy and Harriet are long gone by. It also made me laugh and realize on how angry I am inside. What am I angry about? The right wing? "White culture" in America? How dumb we have become as a country? The fact that we look to the good old days on the 1950's through early 1960's? instead of looking forward. We lost ourselves once we lost the long view. China has a long view of things. What I mean by that is that they see things for the next 30-50 years. We don't look past the next year in politics or economy.

This is a different country than what our fathers grew up in. Neither red nor blue. I think that White America is becoming more and more threatened as they have to deal this the world as a whole. You will have Hindu/Arab/Mexican/African neighbors. Not every one who has (or does not have) color in his skin a criminal. Your neighbor may go to temple, mass, church, mosque or not go at all. You will drive an American or an imported car. The country of the United states is a world wide country with affairs across the globe. We as a people of the USA are not. We don't travel well outside our own subdivisions. There is no taking back of anything. We have degraded ourselves and show the world ourselves on TV on COPS, Jessica Simpsson TV, Cheaters, Amazing Videos (road chases) and jackazz.  We have very little food,wine,drink, dance, music culture. Mmmm mmmm  Bud lite and quarter pounders. We worship hiphop,nascar and country singers we admire the culture of a quick fix instead of a real fix.   We can do so much better..... We have so much potential to be what the world wants and not what the world hates. 

**Rant Off**

Sorry - just blowing off steam. I'm off the soap box any one else can use it.  Peace.

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